Monday, February 14, 2011

Black Boy...

 The book black boy is an autobiography written by Richard Wright chronicling his life as an African American child growing up in the south. In his life Wright experiences the lost of his mother and father which rather than weakens him strengthens him, and helps to mature and take on more responsibilty. It seems to me that growing in maturity and responsiblitiy is a reoccurring theme throughout this story. At first Wright is a very mischievious and rebellious child who has no sense of accountablility. But, as the story progresses he becomes more mature and learns to take responsibility for his own actions.

Richard Wright is a very curious child with alot of questions about the world around which he is at times still very naive to. His questions are often met with violence both physically and verbally. I feel since Wright's questions are never answered with a straight response, the fire of his rebellion is just further fueled. Richard Wright is just a boy, whose curiousity and intelligence is superior to other boys his age. In the world that he lives in questioning the way things are is very estranged, and usually met with consequences. Wright's enviroment doesn't really cater to someone like him, so i feel that the best thing for him to do at this stage is to move north, to a more liberal society so he can progress.

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