Friday, January 21, 2011

How It Feels To Be Colored Me...

 The short story How It Feels To Be Colored Me was really interesting to me, and I found a lot of instances throughout the story that I could connect with. For starters, the story is based in Eatonville,Florida which is the first African American incorporated town. In those type of towns strictly African Americans lived in them, but on occassion white people would pass through. Living in a world like this would be hard for me because I can always remember having white people around. But, I also remember that a lot of the people that i went to grammar school with had never had an actual conversation with a white person until 3rd grade. Also, in the story the narrator mentioned that white people could not feel jazz music the same way that blacks could. In my case it was quite the opposite because growing up I was sometimes outcast by the people in my class because I was of a lighter complexion than almost all of the others in my class. At first I would get really upset by their remarks, but as they became more common I just learned to let them go and think that there is nothing I can change about myself so they could just learn to except it. The narrator says in the story, "At certain times I have no race, I am me." I feel that this quote is extremely true and important and should be taught to people throughout the world, because sometimes a persons race can be an excuse for them to act a certain way. But, in the end all they should really do is be themselves.

1 comment:

  1. "At certain times I have no race, I am me."
    I liked this quote from her because this is how everyone should feel.
