Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phantogram-Mouthful of Diamonds

Ok, so what can i say about Phantogram? A better question would be, what can't i say about them? I discovered this band this summer, and  I have to say that I am somewhat sad to let this song reach the masses. But, in the end I know that my efforts are for the greater good. So, Phantogram is an electronic rock duo from New York. In most music reviews, it's common for the reviewer to say that a certain musicians sound is unique, but in this case they really are. Their sound has many influences that include detroit hip-hop, acid jazz, and indie rock roots. The song that I'm reviewing "Mouthful of Diamonds" is one of there most popular songs and has a very easy listening feel to it. I feel that they have a great grasp on sampling and have an experimental edge to them that allows them room for improvement and the expectaion of something new. I have to say that i love this band and can't wait for them to drop another album. And by the way, their current album Eyelid Movies is definitely worth BUYING (oooohhh scary). Just trust in me that it will be one of those songs you can't stop listening to. Peace.


  1. I liiiike. I feel like a dubstep remix to this would be mind..blowing.

  2. This is definitely good stuff. The vocals blend really well.
