Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phantogram-Mouthful of Diamonds

Ok, so what can i say about Phantogram? A better question would be, what can't i say about them? I discovered this band this summer, and  I have to say that I am somewhat sad to let this song reach the masses. But, in the end I know that my efforts are for the greater good. So, Phantogram is an electronic rock duo from New York. In most music reviews, it's common for the reviewer to say that a certain musicians sound is unique, but in this case they really are. Their sound has many influences that include detroit hip-hop, acid jazz, and indie rock roots. The song that I'm reviewing "Mouthful of Diamonds" is one of there most popular songs and has a very easy listening feel to it. I feel that they have a great grasp on sampling and have an experimental edge to them that allows them room for improvement and the expectaion of something new. I have to say that i love this band and can't wait for them to drop another album. And by the way, their current album Eyelid Movies is definitely worth BUYING (oooohhh scary). Just trust in me that it will be one of those songs you can't stop listening to. Peace.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jay and Nickk

So Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby, Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway, Nick Gatsby and Jay Carraway. To me personally I feel that their relationship provides each of them with something that the other can give. Mostly Jay provides Nick with a visual of things that he hates but, secretly wants at the same time. For Gatsby, Nick is the person that Gatsby secretly wants to be but, doesn't try to be because that isn't what is socially accepted. So, basically Nick and Gatsby's relationship is what every man of the 1920's should want to be. But, this is not all that the two men are using the relationship for. I feel that Nick is also using Gatsby as entertainment, something to provide Nick with something to do in his spare time. Ultimately Nick wishes to fully unravel the crumbled paper ball of a lie Gatsby has fed to people who ask. Throughout the story so far Nick points out numerous times where Gatsby's past comes into question which shows a sort of obsession for Nick to really understand Gatsby. Gatsby isn't only be used here, he is also using Nick to get to Daisy. This might sound selfish and shallow, but if you really think about it sort of makes sense. Gatsby is truely in love with Daisy and would do anything just to be close to her, such as buying a house and throwing massive parties in hopes of her one day stumbling into one one day. So, if he is willing to blow vast amounts of money on her, why wouldn't he be willing to risk a friendship?
Although Nick and Jay are really only using their relationship as a modem for them to get to something that they need, i do feel that they have to potential to become actual friends. Peace.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winter Poem

So the winter has come, what a disappointment
Frigid winds blowing hard enough to cause disjointment
The season of influenza, be sure to make an appointment
With the doctor that is
The season where faces meet the north
And shovels and salt meet the porch
Waking in the morning trying to find a reason to push forth
Onward to my next destination
Every aspect is planned in the matters of my transportation
All formed around the idea of heat conservation
But none the less mother nature's ugly side is waiting
To capture me in her arctic choke hold
Bad enough to make me want to toke coal
In my back pack
Quick steps through the snow create tracks
So the brave souls who take on the streets behind can trace back
All the way to where it was once warm.