Monday, November 22, 2010

I am a Plow

plow:  A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.

 So, this is what they say a plow is in generic terms. But, I'm actually a plow and I don't think that this definitition doesn't accurately describe me.For starters plows are used to break up, batter, and pulvarize dirt. These words make it seem as though plows are cruel and brutal, but in my case i perform the same task but for the sake of fertilizing and bringing new life to the dirt.

As a plow I am owned by a former rock star turned vegan farmer, living and working a couple miles out of Seattle. Amazing right? I was painted gold and signed by friends family, and whoever comes by to see me. The signatures  reflect that the people that I come in contact with add to my character. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Da First Quarter

Ok, so the first quarter is done and over with. This quarter gave me an idea of what the rest of this year is going to be like, so I guess there are a few adjustments I need to make. Well, for starters I have to say good job Mr.McCarthy not to suck up or anything. I feel that the pieces of literature we read were really interesting. I think that we should do less questions about what we read, and instead we should have more in depth discussions in class. I also like the opening journals that we have that provoke my thoughts and allow me to think abstractly. So, overall good first quarter, hopefully i will have a better second. Peace.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Modern day slavery. Does it really even exist still? Well that all comes down to what your definiition of slavery is. Well I know for a fact that young girls are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves in foreign countries, so I guess that qualifies. Well, let's take into account the poor sweatshop workers over seas, laboring away in a warehouse basement for almost no pay. Now, i guess those are both close enough to the enslavement of Africans in America less than 200 years ago. But, that doesn't cover the entire spectrum for me. Being the person that I am I want to take my definition outside the box, how about modern day mental slavery. Pharrell Williams once said, " You are only truely free once your mind no longer realizes boundaries."

At first when I heard this i casted it off as some cliche, primodonna hipster jibberish, but later I genuinely began to think about what he'd said. Let's really think about how much our minds hender us in our thought proccess of what we can and can't do. Let's take into account how many times the word "can't" getting in the way of what it is we want to do. Are we slaves to our distorted ideas of what we can make possible for ourselves. Well, I say YES! I feel that when we are born we have this hidden part in our minds that restricts us from reaching our full potential and trying to fulfill our dreams. Not matter how much you hear as a child from your parents that you can do whatever it is you set your mind to it doesn't actually register. I fell that the epiphany of the non-existance of artificial boundaries in our minds takes a journey in discovering ourselves to find. I find myself at times getting past boundaries of doing what I want to do, to just run into the even bigger boundary of how I can go about accomplishing it. I am a slave within my own mind of reaching accomplishing my personal goals. But, as history shows I will overcome, it will just take time and experience for my light to click on.