Sunday, October 24, 2010

When I Knew That I Was An American...

 So this week's blog post is to explain the moment in which we knew that we were an American. Well, to answer this question fully you have to understand what an American is. In class this week we read the Declaration of Independence and the essay What It Means To Be An American. Those pieces of literature helped me form an idea of what exactly an American is. To me being an American means being able to exercise free will, and having the drive to make change for ourselves. America was founded on democracy, a goverment of the people and for the people. But, not just people, people who are willing to work for change. An American can't be defined by a specific ethinicity because we all derive from a different country.

But, I can't really say that there was a moment that I felt I was an American, because i have always felt like an American. My family isn't from another country, we are from Richmond, VA. Although I am a Muslim which is often associated with terrorism and being Anti-American I have never let that shake my beliefs and sense of patriotism.


  1. I agree with you, I don't see why there has to be a specific moment where you realize your American. It's not like in the cartoons where a lighbulb turns on over your head and BAM you know your American, you just are.....I did not know you were Muslim.

  2. I love the way that you didn't make any set guidelines and rules for being an American because there are no restrictions. Do you think that the government's view of Americans are right? What about immigrants? Can they be Americans too?
