Thursday, September 23, 2010

Winners In The Hands Of An Angry God

   So "Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God", supposedly some ground breaking, mind changing, end all be all best sermon ever given kind of situation. Well for starters John Edwards is completely and utterly insane. Why would they even let that guy come anywhere an oppurtunity to influence the masses. But, really you can't blame the people for listening, they had no other choice. Mostly because John Edwards was one scary man, just doing his thing creating the most twisted and frightening pictures of god in their minds. This in itself was a good tacticto bring in followers because fear is an easy way to control people and he definitely had that part down. 

   But, as i got to thinking about the passage i came across the idea of what gives the heads of the Puritan society the right to decide who was a sinner or not. In an alternate universe, what if sinners were really winners? What if all the supposedly wrong things that we do were weaving a web telling the story of our lives and explaining who are true selves and intnetions were. What if, the people who wer the most peculiar and did exactly what they thought was right and they were the "holiest".  That would be interesting wouldn't it, it's scary where my mind travels sometims, but this isn't one of them. I, personally, would be fine with this alternate universe. I kind of see certain religions perception of earning your way into heaven or hell is how well or poorly you follow directions, and that's no fun :(.

   So, that's all i have to say about that passage, but on another note i have a really cool song i want to share. So play the the second song, but if you can't count it's the song Passion Pit Sleepyhead Dubstep Remix. So peep game, escpecially Mr.McCarthy. Until next time, peace.   

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

So I've been reviewing my other classmates blogs and a good amount of people seem to be tackling the subject of Europeans coming to America. Well I think I'll do something different. How about...the migration of Chinese people to America.

The year 1848 was the year of  the first large scale immigration of Chinese people to California. Many of them came in hopes to profit from the California Gold Rush ( that sounds kind of redundant, but let's roll with it). This was one of the biggest reasons that many Chinese people migrated here, but it's not the only one. Others came overseas because economic hardship had began to set in in their home country due to the growing influence of Britain, but thats another story for another time. A majority of the new immigrants took jobs as miners where they faced discrimination from the so called "natives" of the land. But, this isn't really suprising because as Americans we reject any signs of change. Chinese miners were forced to pay Foreign Miners Tax. Although, it was called the Foreign Miners it didn't apply to all foreigners such as the large amount of European immigrants in the mining industry. Some tried to refuse to pay the unfair tax, but were met with violence, even as far as murdered.

One of the biggest and most important contributions that the Chinese made in America was the construction of the The Transcontinental Railroad which ran from Sacramento to Nebraska. As many as 12,000 Chinese worked on this project and it has been said that as many as 1,000 people died on the job, tragic. After the railroad was built the Chinese faced even greater racial attacks and legislative discrimination. There were anti-Chinese riots, murders, and lynchings. Many justified their acts by saying that the Chinese wre now becoming an economic threat and that they had to be stopped. Isn't that a load of something that i can't write on this blog. Nowhere in my mind can I legitimize any reason why you shold treat anyone this way on the simple fact that they aren't from the same place as you. But, this is nothing new as I said before. This same type of situation occurs multiple times throughout history in aAmerica, and at this pattern and rate self destruction is eminent. Scary right. Well thats all i have to say for now so until next time, peace.


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey. Well how do I start here, my name is Sadiq Nasir Al-Amin Dyer, yea i know its really long but thats because my last name is hyphenated. I'm afriCAN american and of the muslim faith. I have one brother who also attends whitney young as a junior. I live in the south shore area of chicago, shout out to the south side of course. I have many joys in life but the main ones are skateboarding, music(second best creation known to mankind),soccer, and art. i absolutely love skating but only when I'm in the mood, hey what can I say I have my phases. Music is definitely the glue that holds my world together. I can't really specify exactly what kind of music I like, but if I had to I would say good music(whoa that was corny). Some of my favorite artisrt are A Tribe Called Quest, The Shins, Modest Mouse, Steel Pulse, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, MF Doom, Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, The Black Keys a.k.a Blackroc, and all dubstep (google it fool). I guess that explains it all, so until next time, peace.
