Sunday, March 27, 2011

On The Reservation

 This weeks blog is related to the book that we are currently reading in class entitled Montana 1948. In the book a boy living in a town close to a Native American reservation, learns that his doctor uncle takes advantage of his Native American patients. The book also touches on the subtle racism and prejudice that exist between the white town people and Native Americans. There is common feeling amongst the white town people that the Native Americans live a far too simple life and will not survive the change brought about by the twentieth century. I find it a bit hypocritical for them to believe this, considering that they live in a town with only one sheriff. I do feel that Native Americans don't live the most technological and civilized lives, but they way they do live is simple and in a pure form. I was watching an interview of a favorite artist of mine named Mike Giant. In the interview he explained his philosophy on how life actually moves at the speed of clouds, but people sometimes don't see that they do move because they move so slow. But, animals can see how fast the clouds move right away, and in that respect they understand that life doesn't have to  be move at the new overzealous way being introduced by the twentieth century. The Native Americans living on the reservation have a deep respect and connection with nature that allows them to also understand the way life should be.